Your Landscape Partner: Thoughts, ideas, experiences, and expertise from the field…

The Power of Prompt Billing

The Power of Prompt Billing

In the fast-paced world of landscape contracting, where projects can range from simple lawn maintenance to complex design and installation, staying on top of finances is crucial. One key aspect of maintaining a healthy cash flow and sustaining your business is prompt billing. While it might seem like an administrative task that can be put off, delaying invoicing can have significant consequences for your business. Prompt billing should be a top priority for every landscape contractor.

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Millennium Park
Landscape Contracting Alexander Head Landscape Contracting Alexander Head

Millennium Park

Millennium Park, one of Chicago’s crown jewels, is not only a haven for tourists and locals alike but also a masterclass in landscape architecture and urban design. For landscape contractors, this iconic park offers a wealth of inspiration and practical insights into creating vibrant, multifunctional public spaces. Let’s look at the design, execution, and maintenance practices that make Millennium Park a standout example in the field of landscape contracting.

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Container vs B&B
Plants, Landscape Contracting Alexander Head Plants, Landscape Contracting Alexander Head

Container vs B&B

When planning a landscaping project, one of the key decisions you’ll face is choosing between balled & burlapped (BB) plants and container-grown plants. Both options offer distinct advantages and drawbacks depending on your specific needs and site conditions. Here’s a closer look at each method to help you make an informed choice.

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Don’t Use These 9 Sales Tactics
Landscape Contracting Alexander Head Landscape Contracting Alexander Head

Don’t Use These 9 Sales Tactics

In the competitive world of home improvement services the role of a salesperson is crucial. As a landscape contractor, ensuring your sales tactics are above board not only builds trust but also fosters long-term customer relationships. However, some common sales tactics can do more harm than good. Here are some key strategies to avoid when selling your services.

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The Gas To Battery Switch

The Gas To Battery Switch

In landscape contracting, staying ahead of the curve isn't just about aesthetics; it's about efficiency, sustainability, and meeting the evolving demands of clients. As the world shifts towards more eco-friendly practices, the transition from gas-powered to battery-powered equipment is not just a trend but a necessity. In this guide, we'll dive into the hows and whys of making this transition, addressing current limitations, highlighting the benefits, and discussing strategies for marketing your green approach.

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Evil Tree Rings
Landscape Contracting Alexander Head Landscape Contracting Alexander Head

Evil Tree Rings

The pursuit of a pristine appearing landscape sometimes results in methods that inadvertently damage the very plants we aim to beautify. Take, for instance, the widespread practice of creating hardscape tree rings—those neat circles of bricks or blocks placed around the trunks of mature trees. While they might appear as a solution for defining spaces and simplifying lawn care, these tree rings can actually be incredibly damaging to trees, leading to a slow death.

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Mulch Blowing
Landscape Contracting Alexander Head Landscape Contracting Alexander Head

Mulch Blowing

Mulching is a crucial step in maintaining a healthy and visually appealing landscape. Traditionally, mulch application involved manual spreading, which is very labor-intensive and time-consuming, especially for large-scale projects. However, with the advent of mulch blowing services, the process has been revolutionized. In this blog post, we will explore what mulch blowing is and why you should consider subbing out professional mulch blowing companies to handle this task for your large landscape project.

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Hourly VS Contract
Landscape Contracting Alexander Head Landscape Contracting Alexander Head

Hourly VS Contract

When it comes to pricing landscape construction projects, two common methods are hourly labor and contract pricing. Each approach has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of charging clients based on hourly labor or using contract pricing in landscape construction.

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The Value of Trade Shows

The Value of Trade Shows

In the green industry, staying updated on the latest trends and connecting with others is key. One way that consistently proves valuable is attending trade shows. These events bring together a mix of people who love landscaping and nursery growing, creating a space to share experiences, build relationships, and move the industry forward.

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Snowless Winter

Snowless Winter

In the complex rhythm of climate shifts, El Niño frequently plays a significant role, affecting weather patterns across the world. Even though the Midwest usually braces itself for winter, the occasional occurrence of a snowless El Niño can throw off the expected seasonal patterns. This blog post discusses the distinct challenges this weather event presents for plants in Midwest landscapes and provides insights on how gardening enthusiasts can adapt to the unexpected twists.

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We Really Do Have the BEST Job
Landscape Contracting, Landscape Design Alexander Head Landscape Contracting, Landscape Design Alexander Head

We Really Do Have the BEST Job

Finding fulfillment in our work is a universal desire. The satisfaction of knowing that we have made a positive impact is a feeling that few jobs can truly provide. In the world of landscaping, this sense of accomplishment is ingrained in the very essence of the profession. From transforming barren spaces into lush gardens to revitalizing neglected landscapes, landscaping offers a unique opportunity to leave things better than when we first encountered them. In this blog post, we will explore why landscaping stands out as a job that brings immense satisfaction through the act of transformation and improvement.

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How to Shine With Positive Reviews

How to Shine With Positive Reviews

In today's digital age, online reviews hold significant influence over consumer decisions. Positive reviews can be a powerful tool for attracting new clients and building a stellar reputation for your landscape company. In this blog, we will explore effective strategies and tips to help you generate positive reviews that showcase your company's excellence and attract more business.

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How to Properly Prune a Tree Branch

How to Properly Prune a Tree Branch

Pruning tree branches is an essential practice to maintain the health, appearance, and safety of trees. When done correctly, pruning promotes proper growth, removes damaged or diseased branches, and enhances the overall structure of the tree. In this blog post, we will explore the step-by-step process and share expert tips for properly pruning tree branches to ensure optimal results.

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