Your Landscape Partner: Thoughts, ideas, experiences, and expertise from the field…
Trees Increase Retail Sales
Did you know trees do more than beautify our cities? Research shows they significantly influence retail sales, improving customer experiences, driving foot traffic, and enhancing business profitability. Let’s explore the fascinating connection between trees and thriving retail environments.
Planting Techniques for Blocking Noise
As urban areas continue to expand, so does the issue of noise pollution, especially from traffic and roads. This persistent noise can significantly affect the quality of life for residents and the appeal of properties. For landscape contractors and designers, integrating natural sound barriers into designs is a practical and aesthetically pleasing solution. Among the various plant choices, evergreens stand out as an exceptional option for creating effective sound barriers. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to use plants, particularly evergreens, to mitigate noise pollution.
Landscape Tips for Home Sellers
You want potential buyers to fall in love with your home from the moment they pull up to the curb. But if your landscaping isn't up to par, you might inadvertently be driving them away. Let's explore some simple yet effective ways to ensure your yard is a selling point rather than a deterrent.
10 Common Landscaping Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Solutions for the Top 10 Landscaping Mistakes
The Value of Trade Shows
In the green industry, staying updated on the latest trends and connecting with others is key. One way that consistently proves valuable is attending trade shows. These events bring together a mix of people who love landscaping and nursery growing, creating a space to share experiences, build relationships, and move the industry forward.
We Really Do Have the BEST Job
Finding fulfillment in our work is a universal desire. The satisfaction of knowing that we have made a positive impact is a feeling that few jobs can truly provide. In the world of landscaping, this sense of accomplishment is ingrained in the very essence of the profession. From transforming barren spaces into lush gardens to revitalizing neglected landscapes, landscaping offers a unique opportunity to leave things better than when we first encountered them. In this blog post, we will explore why landscaping stands out as a job that brings immense satisfaction through the act of transformation and improvement.
How to Shine With Positive Reviews
In today's digital age, online reviews hold significant influence over consumer decisions. Positive reviews can be a powerful tool for attracting new clients and building a stellar reputation for your landscape company. In this blog, we will explore effective strategies and tips to help you generate positive reviews that showcase your company's excellence and attract more business.
The Magic of Winterberry
As winter casts its icy spell, many landscapes surrender to a monochrome palette. However, there's a shrub that defies the winter gloom with a burst of vibrant hues - Ilex verticillata, commonly known as winterberry. In this blog post, we'll explore the enchanting world of winterberry, its importance in winter pot design, and its versatile role in the planted landscape.