Your Landscape Partner: Thoughts, ideas, experiences, and expertise from the field…

Tree Topping - Why To Never Do It
Landscape Maintenance Alexander Head Landscape Maintenance Alexander Head

Tree Topping - Why To Never Do It

Tree topping is one of the most damaging pruning practices you can perform on a tree. While it might seem like a quick fix to reduce a tree’s size or improve its appearance, the reality is far grimmer. Topping strips away too much of a tree’s canopy, undermining its health, structural integrity, and natural beauty. Let’s explore what tree topping is, why it’s harmful, and the better alternatives you should consider.

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Landscapers as Decision Validators
Alexander Head Alexander Head

Landscapers as Decision Validators

Landscaping isn't just about creating beautiful outdoor spaces; it's about turning visions into reality. Clients often have grand ideas for their yards, gardens, and outdoor spaces, but translating these ideas into actionable plans can be overwhelming. This is where skilled landscape professionals step in not only as designers and builders but also as decision validators. Their expertise and experience play a crucial role in helping clients make informed choices that align with their aspirations and practical considerations.

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Ice Melt Damage
Plants Alexander Head Plants Alexander Head

Ice Melt Damage

As winter continues, keeping walkways, driveways, and roads free of ice is a top priority for safety. Unfortunately, many of the most common ice melt products come with a hidden cost: damage to your landscape plants. In this post, we’ll discuss how ice melt products can harm your trees, shrubs, and turf; explore which products tend to be less damaging; and offer practical advice on minimizing damage and helping plants recover once the snow and ice have melted.

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The Importance of Snow Cover
Plants Alexander Head Plants Alexander Head

The Importance of Snow Cover

Winter can be unpredictable in the Midwest, with its fair share of temperature swings, icy winds, and frigid nights. While snowstorms might not be a everyone’s favorite forecast, snow itself is an underappreciated protector for landscape plants. When winter temperatures drop without the insulating blanket of snow, landscape plants are left vulnerable to a host of challenges that can jeopardize their health and survival.

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Are Business Cards Dead?
Alexander Head Alexander Head

Are Business Cards Dead?

Business cards have been a staple of professional networking for centuries, but in today’s digital world, their relevance is under scrutiny. For landscape contractors, where relationships and visual showcases of work are crucial, the question arises: are business cards still worth it? Or are there better alternatives?

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Landscape Maintenance Alexander Head Landscape Maintenance Alexander Head


Winter poses a significant challenge for outdoor plants, particularly evergreens that retain their foliage year-round. One of the most common issues is desiccation—a condition where plants lose moisture faster than they can replace it due to cold temperatures, dry winds, and frozen ground. Antidesiccants are an effective solution for protecting plants against this stress.

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Trees Increase Retail Sales
Landscape Design Alexander Head Landscape Design Alexander Head

Trees Increase Retail Sales

Did you know trees do more than beautify our cities? Research shows they significantly influence retail sales, improving customer experiences, driving foot traffic, and enhancing business profitability. Let’s explore the fascinating connection between trees and thriving retail environments.

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5 Stunning Plants You’re Not Using
Plants Alexander Head Plants Alexander Head

5 Stunning Plants You’re Not Using

Winter doesn’t have to mean lifeless landscapes. Even in Zone 5, there are plants that shine during the colder months with colorful bark, striking silhouettes, and unexpected textures. These five plants bring a fresh and dramatic twist to winter landscapes—ones you’ll wonder how you lived without!

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Evergreen Perennials
Plants Alexander Head Plants Alexander Head

Evergreen Perennials

Enhancing your Zone 5 landscape with evergreen perennials ensures that your garden remains vibrant and appealing throughout the year. These plants provide structure, texture, and a splash of greenery even in the depths of winter. By thoughtfully selecting and placing evergreen perennials, you can create a visually stunning garden that looks great in every season.

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Immigrants and the Nursery Business
Nursery Alexander Head Nursery Alexander Head

Immigrants and the Nursery Business

The U.S. nursery industry, a crucial part of our agriculture sector, owes much of its origins and ongoing success to the work, dedication, and expertise of immigrants. While Italian immigrants are one prominent example, workers from Mexico, Central America, Asia, and beyond have all contributed to the growth and sustainability of this industry, shaping American landscapes in countless ways. This post looks at how immigrant labor shaped the U.S. nursery industry, how the industry has evolved over time, and why these contributions are still so important today.

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Fallen Leaves Are Valuable
Landscape Maintenance Alexander Head Landscape Maintenance Alexander Head

Fallen Leaves Are Valuable

As leaves blanket our lawns each fall, the traditional leaf-raking and leaf-blowing routine begins for many homeowners and landscapers. But there’s a growing movement toward alternatives that are both easier on you and better for the environment. Instead of bagging and disposing leaves or hauling them off to the yard waste dump, some landscapers and gardeners are choosing to mulch them or use them in garden beds. Here’s why this method of "working with the leaves" is catching on and how you can make it part of your fall maintenance routine.

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Seasonal Needle Drop
Plants Alexander Head Plants Alexander Head

Seasonal Needle Drop

As landscape contractors, we often field concerned calls from clients when their evergreens begin dropping needles in late summer or early fall. While it’s understandable for homeowners to worry about potential disease or environmental stress, seasonal needle drop is actually a normal part of an evergreen’s lifecycle. Let’s break down what’s happening and how to communicate to your clients that this is a natural process.

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Outdoor Saunas
Alexander Head Alexander Head

Outdoor Saunas

There’s a hot new trend making its way into backyards everywhere—wood-fired outdoor saunas. Whether you’re a landscape contractor looking to offer something unique or a homeowner hoping to create your own relaxation space, saunas are a great way to add a touch of luxury. Best of all, companies like North Shore Sauna make it easier than ever with portable tent saunas that offer all the benefits of a traditional sauna, without the headache and expense of permanent construction or permits.

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RoundUp - The Full Picture
Nursery Alexander Head Nursery Alexander Head

RoundUp - The Full Picture

Few products have had as significant an impact on the nursery industry as RoundUp. Introduced in the 1970s, it quickly became a go-to tool for weed control in agriculture and nurseries. However, what was once hailed as a breakthrough has become a subject of controversy in recent years. In this blog, we’ll explore how RoundUp transformed the nursery business, the challenges it presents today, and what the future may hold for this once-revolutionary product.

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Soil Microbes
Alexander Head Alexander Head

Soil Microbes

Soil may seem like a simple mix of dirt, rocks, and organic matter, but beneath the surface, it's teeming with life. Soil microbes are tiny organisms that play an enormous role in maintaining soil health and supporting the growth of landscape plants. In fact, they are some of the most important contributors to the vitality of any garden or landscape. But what exactly are these microbes, and how do they help plants thrive? Let’s take a closer look.

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When Trees Can Be Dangerous
Plants Alexander Head Plants Alexander Head

When Trees Can Be Dangerous

Have you ever looked at a tree and wondered if it could pose a risk to your home or property? Trees offer shade, beauty, and environmental benefits, but sometimes they can also become hazards. A hazard tree is any tree that poses a significant risk to people or property due to its condition or location. Arborists are trained to assess these trees and determine the best course of action, including whether a tree should be removed. But what exactly goes into that assessment, and how do they prioritize which trees need to be addressed first?

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Top Ways To Lose An Employee
Alexander Head Alexander Head

Top Ways To Lose An Employee

Attracting and retaining top talent is essential to the success of any business, but many employers unknowingly engage in behaviors that push valuable employees away. In this post, we’ll explore the top reasons employees leave and share actionable insights on how to prevent these common mistakes. By fostering a positive work environment, you can increase employee loyalty, engagement, and retention.

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Watering Tools
Landscape Maintenance Alexander Head Landscape Maintenance Alexander Head

Watering Tools

Proper watering is crucial for healthy plant growth, especially during hot summer months or when establishing new plantings. Homeowners and landscapers alike can benefit from a variety of specialized tools designed to deliver water efficiently and effectively. In this blog, we'll explore some essential watering tools, including soaker rings, water bags, root probes, and more, discussing their uses, benefits, and how they can help you achieve a thriving landscape.

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Heptacodium - Underused Ornamental
Plants Alexander Head Plants Alexander Head

Heptacodium - Underused Ornamental

When it comes to selecting plants that offer year-round interest, Heptacodium miconioides, commonly known as seven-son flower, stands out as a unique and underutilized option. As landscape contractors, you’re always on the lookout for plants that not only meet aesthetic needs but also thrive in varied conditions. Heptacodium fits the bill perfectly. This blog will discuss why this plant is so special, its cultural requirements, and how to best design it into your landscapes.

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The Power of Prompt Billing

The Power of Prompt Billing

In the fast-paced world of landscape contracting, where projects can range from simple lawn maintenance to complex design and installation, staying on top of finances is crucial. One key aspect of maintaining a healthy cash flow and sustaining your business is prompt billing. While it might seem like an administrative task that can be put off, delaying invoicing can have significant consequences for your business. Prompt billing should be a top priority for every landscape contractor.

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